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Results for "main_practice: "Forgiveness", latest_content: 1"
Forgiving Ourselves A guided meditation to engender self-forgiveness.
Hebrew Prayer of Forgiveness An intention and entreaty for everyone's forgiveness and freedom from harm.
Feathers in the Wind A teaching story on the difficulty of rectifying thoughtless speech.
Who Am I? A teaching story and practices about forgiveness and non-judgment.
Reminders Jack Kornfield's recommendation to follow the example of the Babemba tribe's forgiveness ritual.
A Spirit of Forgiveness A six-step forgiveness meditation to practice when you are feeling wounded by someone else's words or deeds.
Tawba A practice for accepting our mistakes and moving through them to God's forgiveness, mercy, and truth.
Forgiveness A guided meditation for forgiving those who have caused us pain.
I Hereby Forgive A forgiveness prayer to wipe the slate clean.
Forgive Me A prompt to pray during every elevator ride.